Alice Hertzog-Fraser


Doc­to­ra­te at D‑ARCH
CHN K 76.2
Uni­ver­si­tätstras­se 16
8092 Zürich


Research area

An urban anthro­po­lo­gist by trai­ning, Ali­ce Hertzog joi­n­ed the TDLab in late 2014. Her cur­rent doc­to­ral the­sis inves­ti­ga­tes pat­terns of migra­ti­on and urban deve­lo­p­ment along the Gui­nea Gulf, in par­ti­cu­lar in Ben­in. She stu­dies how migrants shape the cities they move to and places they come from, with a focus on housing stra­te­gies and trans-local urban development. 

This work is part of an ongo­ing col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the Glo­bal Pro­gram­me on Migra­ti­on and Deve­lo­p­ment at the Swiss Deve­lo­p­ment Coope­ra­ti­on and is super­vi­sed by Prof. Dr Chris­ti­an Schmid and Dr. Pius Krütli. 

Curriculum Vitae

Ali­ce grew up in Eng­land and France, after tra­vel­ling exten­si­ve­ly through South Ame­ri­ca and working in a self-built neigh­bour­hood in Bra­zil, she retur­ned to Euro­pe whe­re she gai­ned an under­gra­dua­te degree in Social Anthro­po­lo­gy at Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty, and a mas­ters from L’Ecole Urbai­ne at Sci­en­ces Po (Paris). She was also the reci­pi­ent of a three year fel­low­ship at the Eco­le Nor­ma­le Supé­ri­eu­re d’Ulm (Paris).

Pre­vious­ly Ali­ce has col­la­bo­ra­ted with a wide ran­ge of actors, from cities to foun­da­ti­ons, artists, muse­ums, NGOs and think-tanks. She work­ed with the City of Paris on migrant entre­pre­neur­ship in the eth­nic neigh­bour­hood La Gout­te d’Or, and with the Nan­tes metro­po­li­tan regi­on on citi­zen participation.

In 2013 she moved to Zurich to join Urban-Think Tank, whe­re she mana­ged a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on on Emer­ging and Sus­tainable Cities with the Inter-Ame­ri­can Deve­lo­p­ment Bank and Swiss Sta­te Secre­ta­ri­at for Eco­no­mic Affairs.

Additional information

Ali­ce is a world social sci­ence fel­low of the Inter­na­tio­nal Social Sci­ence Coun­cil, and a mem­ber of IMISCOE, a Euro­pean net­work of scho­lars in the area of migra­ti­on and inte­gra­ti­on. She has deve­lo­ped seve­ral tea­ching pro­gram­mes at the ETH Zürich, inclu­ding the sum­mer school Mar­kets in the Tro­pics and block cour­se Groun­ded Materials.