Representations of the urban public in image, time and and space: On social and cultural dimensions of design
spring semester 2010
When architects design urban structures, public spaces and buildings, they become designers of social spaces. Against this background the seminar pursues the following questions: How can social dimensions of design be analyzed? Which factors effect the complex dimensions of cohabitation and the everyday life in urban built spaces? How do medially diffused images of urbanity and virtual networks affect our quotidian real life? How can these different aspects be integrated in the design process? In the seminar we therefore broach theories, concepts and methods of social and cultural studies, that are interrelated with the social dimension of the built environment. Furthermore we are interested in the reciprocity between the spaces created during the design process and the social spaces experienced in everyday life. Concrete public spaces in and around Zurich as well as current student design projects are analyzed to this end, granting the images and perception of the urban in the minds of the designer and the users a prominent role.
Contact: Gabriela Muri, Caroline Ting