Planetary Urbanization
fall semester 2015
In the last decades, urbanization has become a planetary phenomenon. Urban areas expand and interweave, and novel forms of urbanization emerge, such as the implosion and explosion of urban regions, the disintegration of contiguous “hinterlands”, the emergence of corridor urbanization, the large scale industrialization and urbanization of agricultural areas, the production of extended urban fabrics of logistics, the creation and extension of operational landscapes, as well as processes that lead to the end of the “wilderness” and the urbanization of ocean space. These new phenomena gave rise to the emergence of an intense debate about a new conceptionalization of urbanization. This theory seminar aims at giving an introduction to urban theory, to theoretical thinking and to the better understanding of scientific texts.
In this theory seminar we read and discuss a range of recent papers and book chapters which analyze these new phenomena of planetary urbanization:
The implosion and explosion of urban regions
The disintegration of contiguous “hinterlands”
Corridor urbanization
The urbanization of agricultural areas
The production of extended urban fabrics of logistics
The creation and extension of operational landscapes
The end of the “wilderness”
The urbanization of ocean space
The relevant texts will be distributed in the seminar.
A very good overview is provided in the following edited volume: Brenner, Neil (ed.): Implosions / Explosions: Towards a Study of Planetary Urbanization. Jovis, Berlin, 2014.
Jeweils freitags, 12:45–14:30 | ETH Hönggerberg | HIL C 10.2 | Beginn am 18. September 2015
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid
Kontakt: Caroline Ting
Veranstaltung am 25. September 2015:
Schmid, Christian: Netzwerke, Grenzen, Differenzen