Urban Revolution Now: Henri Lefebvre in Social Research and Architecture

When Hen­ri Lef­eb­v­re publis­hed The Urban Revo­lu­ti­on in 1970, he sket­ched a rese­arch iti­nera­ry on the emer­ging ten­den­cy towards pla­ne­ta­ry urba­niz­a­ti­on. Today, when this ten­den­cy has beco­me rea­li­ty, Lefebvre’s ide­as on ever­y­day life,...


Marc Angst, Phil­ipp Klaus, Tabea Michae­lis, Ros­ma­rie Mül­ler, Ste­phan Mül­ler, Richard Wolff (Hrsg.)(2010): zone*imaginaire — Zwi­schen­nut­zun­gen in Indus­trie­area­len. Zürich,...

Possible urban worlds

Klaus, Phil­ipp (2006): Stadt, Kul­tur, Inno­va­ti­on. Kul­tur­wirt­schaft und krea­ti­ve inno­va­ti­ve Kleinst­un­ter­neh­men in der Stadt Zürich. Zürich,...