Dr. Ileana Apostol
ETH Zürich Departement Architektur
Campus ETH Hönggerberg
HIL E 61.2
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
CH-8093 Zürich
E. apostol@arch.ethz.ch
W. www.nethood.org/ileana
Ileana Apostol is a researcher of spatial production in the information age, a lecturer in urban sociology at ETH Zurich, and co-founder of Zurich-based NetHood association. By claiming the right to the hybrid city, she engages with neighborhood action groups and with interdisciplinary research teams that explore ways of living sustainably in the city. Previously Ileana has taught urban planning and design in Los Angeles at California Polytechnic University and University of Southern California, and in Bucharest at the University of Architecture and Urbanism.
At present Ileana undertakes urban research informed by a lasting interest in the everyday life within the hybrid realm of contemporary cities; trained in spatial planning (PhD University of Southern California, Los Angeles, MSc University of Stuttgart, MU UAUIM Bucharest), urban design and architecture (BArch UAUIM Bucharest, ENSA Paris-Belleville). Since she completed the doctoral studies in planning at USC Los Angeles with the dissertation “The Production of Public Spaces: Design Dialectics and Pedagogy.” Ileana has been cooperating with Panayotis Antoniadis on a project that they named NetHood –networks over the neighborhood– which in 2015 they founded together with Jens Martignoni, as a non-profit organization providing the institutional framework for their professional activities. Some of the research topics dear to her heart are the lived space shaped by artistic interpretations, in which memories and emotional associations play critical roles; rhythmanalyses as a manner to interpret the perceived reality while reinstating the sensible in contemporary thought; exploring ways through which life in common may manifest in space; and the expression of its diversity by providing people the right to the city, in particular for the right to difference.